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Aan Morand50cm × 55cm布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas2019

周围艺术画廊将于2024年新年伊始推出荷兰艺术家克拉斯•赫伯斯(Klaas Gubbels)的个展《九十》,展出艺术家早期以及近年来创作的二十多件精彩作品。



Simeon doormekaar 35cm × 40cm布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas 2021

尽管拥有如此漫长而成功的艺术生涯,赫伯斯却对一个简单的主题——咖啡(茶)壶——情有独钟。他以咖啡壶为母题创作的作品造型和色彩的丰富多样,风格媒介千变万化,是荷兰家喻户晓的形象。与一辈子呆在小镇以磨制镜片为生却对近代欧洲哲学产生了重大影响的荷兰哲学家斯宾诺莎(Baruch Spinoza)一样,赫伯斯简朴低调的创作风格恒久而弥新。他以赤子一样的热情秉承了荷兰艺术传统中对静物,对日常生活的热爱与关注。近年来以疫情期间的流行色为灵感创作的《黄色!!!!》(Geel!!!!)在灰色底子上描绘了黄色的咖啡壶,给予孤独的灵魂希望和温暖,而题为《在一起》(Simeon Doorkaar)的作品则聚集了大大小小近十个蓝色咖啡壶,就像一个轻松休闲的派对,表达了人们对正常社交相聚的渴望。



Still Ja 55cm × 50cm布面丙烯 Acrylic on canvas2010

Born in Rotterdam in 1934, Gubbels currently resides in Arnhem, a city located in the east of the Netherlands. He was exposed to a prestigious art environment at an early age. He worked as an assistant for renowned Dutch artists Wally Elenbaas (1912 – 2008) and Louis van Roode (1914 – 1964) in his twenties and later in the studios of Mauris van Beek (1921 – 2003), Fred Sieger (1902 – 1999), and Dick Grossman. In the 1980s, Gubbels was active in the New York art scene, together with his mentor and friend, also Rotterdam-born abstract artist Willem De Kooning (1904 - 1997). Later he was invited to teach at the WdKA: Willem de Kooning Academy in Rotterdam. Gubbels became a member of Gemeenschap Beeldende Kunstenaars (GBK) in 1963 and received high recognition in Europe and North America. His painting and sculpture works are collected by institutions such as the Rijksmuseum and the Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam and are also appreciated by several generations of Dutch royal family members. There are multiple museums and art institutions in the Netherlands organizing retrospective exhibitions for him in celebration of his 90th birthday, on January 19, 2024.

Despite such a long and successful artist career, Gubbels is loyal to one simple motif, the coffee/tea pot. With changing shapes and colors and various styles and media, he created a household image of coffee/tea pot in the Netherlands. Just like Baruch Spinoza, a Dutch Enlightenment philosopher who spent his whole life grinding lenses in a small town but influenced modern European philosophy, Gubbels’ modest artistic style is low key but lasting. He is passionate about the tradition of Dutch art, which pays great attention to still life themes as well as valuing ordinary daily life. 

Gubbels’ new work Geel!!! was inspired by the Color (s) of the Year during COVID - Ultimate Gray and Illuminating. It depicted bright yellow abstract coffee pots on a gray background, as if offering hope and warmth to lonely souls. In another piece titled Simeon Dookaar he rendered nearly 10 blue pots with different sizes, like a relaxed party, representing the desire for normal social gatherings.

A noble-hearted man retains his high aspirations even in old age (quote from a third century Chinese poetry). Ninety is an old age, a number that is close to a hundred. It also represents an achievement, a rare pinnacle. Great art is simple. Gubbels’ artistic practice embraced the glory and legacy of Dutch Golden Age. With endless love and warmth, his art moves audiences beyond borders and languages.


克拉斯·赫伯斯(Klaas Gubbels)  Photo by Mingming 

 克拉斯·赫伯斯(Klaas Gubbels)   

1934年出生于鹿特丹,现居阿纳姆市。年过八旬的他是荷兰最富盛名的艺术家之一,作品中标志性的咖啡壶形象在荷兰家喻户晓。赫伯斯1963年即成为荷兰最大的艺术组织之一“社区视觉艺术家”Gemeenschap Beeldende Kunstenaars (GBK)的一员(该组织已于2017年解散)。他的作品既包括大型的壁画也有架上尺寸的版画,并涉猎雕塑、摄影、现成品装置等多种媒介。


赫伯斯的创作理念受到观念艺术先驱杜尚的影响,也从超现实主义艺术家曼·雷(Man Ray)、乔治·西格尔(George Segal)等人处吸收营养,在处理画面构图和色彩等技巧上更是传承了意大利艺术家莫兰迪与莫迪里阿尼一路看似纤弱实则隽永大气的手法。







Museum het Valkhof Nijmegen

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam

Collectie Wunderkammer Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

Klaas Gubbels

Born in Rotterdam in 1934 and now residing in Arnhem, Klaas Gubbels is one of the most important artists in the Netherlands. His works have been permanently collected by the Museum of Modern Art in New York, Rijksmuseum Amsterdam and Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam. Gubbels became a member of Gemeenschap Beeldende Kunstenaars (dissolved in 2017)in 1963.He often uses still life and daily objects as subject matters, especially his favorite subject matter-coffee pots, which are well known in the Netherlands. Inspired by Duchamp, Man Ray and George Segal's ideas about art, Gubbels also adopted Italian painters Morandi and Modigliani's subtlety and delicacy in his paintings.

Public Collections

The Museum of Modern Art

Rijksmuseum Amsterdam

Stedelijk Museum Amsterdam 

Museum Arnhem

Museum het Valkhof Nijmegen

Museum Boijmans van Beuningen Rotterdam

Collectie Wunderkammer Gemeentemuseum Den Haag

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